The Seunta Guild


A guild is an association of people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal. My Grandfather, DeWitt Curtis, founded the first painter’s guild in Atlanta, Georgia.

The Seunta Artisans Guild is a community of artists that work with Seunta to provide the model horse hobby with unique and inspirational equine art. The mission of our Artisans Guild is to create equine art that collectors will enjoy throughout many generations, and to share creations with cultural significance from around the world. Sharing ideas keeps us inspired.

The Guild will provide educational material for collectors new to artist resin models, a fun live show donations program, and online tutorials. Many unique models will be created using the latest mold making techniques and high-quality 3D scanning & printing technology.

Members & Artists

In alphabetical order by first name - artists, collectors, tack/prop/doll makers, & horse lovers are all welcomed!

Airen Chandler
Horsenfeffer Hobbies

sculptor, painter
Bethlehem, Georgia - USA

  • Collaboration: sure, sculpting or customizing

    Services: customizing, painting, sculpting

    Available Items: painted and unpainted resins, many of them customs

  • Facebook

    Bio: I have been collecting models since the 70's and customizing since the 90's. Started sculpting in the 2000's! I have a special affinity for fantasy pieces and love painting decorator colors.
    I am also an abstract artist painting in acrylic pour techniques, mixed media, resin pieces which I sell at Painted Tree Boutiques in Buford Ga.

    Social Media Links:

    Preferred Method of Contact: Facebook Messenger, Email

  • What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Friendship in our love of the horse

    Mentorship: no time

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Customizing

    Favorite Model Horse: Breyer Nokota

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Artist

    Studio, farm, or business name: Horsenfeffer Hobbies Airen Chandler Art

    Real Horses: 50

    Real Horse Experience: western trail on appaloosa

    Other talents or specialties: I am an abstract artist of many media.

    Favorite Real Horse: My childhood appaloosa who I called my Horsenfeffer

    Personal Goals: I just opened an art boutique hoping it succeeds!

Alicia Hall

Wagga Wagga, NSW - Australia

  • Available Items: Occasionally I sell some of my resins or Breyers, but not very often.

  • I have had real horses all my life since I was 5 till about 4 years ago. I grew up on a farm till I was 16, which was when we moved into town. I hated it because I couldn't be with my horses...I always spent every waking moment with them. When I was older I had a few big falls and the last one I was rushed to the capital city because I broke so many bones. My husband made me get rid of my last two, and I hate being without a horse...I have a hole in my heart that only a horse can fill.

    I am ex Air Force and have also worked on a RAAF base as a public servant...still doing the same job I did in the Air Force, but I was doing the work of all ranks, however, was not recognised for it. I left work eventually due to MS symptoms that were exacerbated due to working with bullies.

    I am 52 years old and do my best to enjoy what life has to offer. I am an incredibly positive thinking person and love to slow down and appreciate life. As well as MS, I also have Fibromyalgia, Asthma and COPD. I have other things too, but I do my best to cope. I don't let my illnesses stop me from living. I just had to learn there are some things I can't do anymore.

    I have had several animals and still mourn for them, even the ones that have been gone for many years. I am an empath, so I mourn deeply and for a long time. I have been so lucky to have 3 special animals in my life that absolutely had my heart and my soul, and I had theirs. One was my first horse, another was my first black cat, and then my last dog. I have her ashes, hair, footprint and photos next to my bed as I can't bear to move them out with my other dogs who have a special place in my lounge room. Those 3 were my soulmates and the bonds were complete.... I miss them all every day. I am so lucky to have had 3 in my life!

    My husband is also my soulmate...I knew the moment I saw him. I didn't want to date anyone as I was sick of males, but I had no choice with him...I knew he was my forever. We have been married for 32 years. I was 18 and he was 19 when we met.

    I had a very cruel upbringing and have been estranged from my mother for all of my adult life. I am extremely close to my dad now but when I was growing up, he never had anything to do with me because he believed girls should be in the house and only boys get to drive tractors. I have 4 younger brothers, 3 are quite a bit younger than me, and their lives have all been fucked up thanks to our mother.... but they keep going back to her. However, it is not my place to say anything to them as they are all adults, and it is their lives.

    I have been collecting model horses for over 20 years. The reason is they didn't have Breyers or Peter Stones in Australia to purchase. They now have Breyer but that is it. I used to collect Barbie horses, and pretty much anything horse. lol. My husband used to buy me Beswick Horses for my birthday for a while, so I have a few of them. My real love in the hobby though is artist resins, and I love Mules! Oh, and I love to chat with people. :) I have an addiction to buying model horses and I really need to slow down. lol


    Social Media Links:,

    Preferred Method of Contact: Facebook Messenger, Email, Message in a Bottle, Carrier Pigeon

  • Interested in a Meet-Up: I wish. I do go to a live model horse show in Australia when it is on in my district, and it is always fun to meet the people you know by name.

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: 24 years for Breyers...other model horses, since 40 years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Friendship, lovely conversations and a safe place where I can relax and not have to see any negativity.

    Mentorship: Sure

    Seeking Mentorship: no.

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Collecting artist resins and plastic horses. Other than that, just chatting to like-minded people.

  • What are your areas of expertise?: I do lapidary with rocks and gems. I am a great listener and can keep secrets. :)

    Studio, farm, or business name: nil

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: I am passionate about most everything I do. It is the type of person I am.

    Real Horses: 48 years

    Real Horse Experience: I didn't get to do anything with my horses but ride them. I loved to do barrel racing in my paddock....and rounding up the cows. My experience is mainly with stock horses and quarter horses, but really, I have had most types, other than appaloosa.

    What are your talents or specialties?: Collecting, Working with live animals

Amanda Smith

customizer, painter, resin artist
Hoover, Alabama - USA

  • Services: Hosting live shows, swap meet, cm classes

    Available Items: Nothing currently, but at time models, tack.

  • My name is Amanda and I enjoy hanging out at the horse farm (working with kids and horses) and cm model horses. I’ve been in hobby nearly 40 years and have done everything in hobby ( at one time or another). I host NAMHSA model horse shows in Alabama. Customizing models, exercise, and drinking coffee with hubby (and hanging out with my cats) for my down time. My goal is get back into showing real horses which I’ve done growing up and few years ago. Another adventure is working on my swap meets and custom pony parties.

    Social Media Links: Facebook

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger

    Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Breyerfest, Birmingham, AL

  • What are your areas of expertise?: Working with resin, painting, showing horses

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Nearly 40 years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Help others get involved with models, from tack making, showing, or customizing.

    Mentorship: Yes

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Customize models

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Collecting, Tack making, Prop making, Photography, Working with live animals, Customizing

    Favorite Model Horse: Not sure, but Breyers and artist resin.

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Medical field

    Real Horses: Several years

    Real Horse Experience: Stock and western events

    Favorite Real Horse: My childhood pony

    Other talents or specialties: Resin making (clear resin jewelry), or casting new limbs

    Resources: YouTube is my favorite in learning new skills or brush up on techniques.

    Tips: Learn all you can, go to a show and see how it works. Keep track of all your horses (price, who cm, bought from, name, etc)

    Personal Goals: Real horses, swap meets, cm parties

    Community: Everyone willing help or meet together

Amy Swiney
TCF Custom Models,
Thomson Centennial Farm

painter, customizer
Holliday, Missouri - USA

  • coming soon

  • Had a small Breyer collection as a child. Starting collecting again about two years ago, decided customizing looked like fun at the end of 2023 and decided to give it a try. I've always been creative and artistic, I like to quilt and paint and embroider as well. I live on my family's 150+ year old farm and have a small cow-calf operation in addition to working from home full time for a healthcare system. I'm looking forward to continuing to improve my skills, and I'm excited to get started with artist resins.


    Social Media Links:,

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Message in a Bottle

  • Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Yes! I've never been to BreyerFest, hopefully someday.

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: About two years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: I hope to gain more knowledge about customizing and improve my skills. I always love learning new techniques and methods to do things, and I try to pass that along as well.

    Mentorship: No

    Seeking Mentorship: Maybe?

    Favorite Model Horse: Semi rearing mustang will always hold my heart.

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Quality Data Specialist for almost 6 years (I report quality metrics on patient care)

    What are your areas of expertise?: quilting, cattle (Herefords, BQA certified), cardiac care

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: quilting, embroidery, cross stitch, acrylic painting, restoration work of religious items, reading

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Collecting, Working with live animals

    Tips: Don't be afraid to try something. Don't be afraid to strip and re-primer. Sometimes it takes a lot longer than you think it will to accomplish whatever you're trying. Just because one person can complete a model in two days doesn't make that everyone's reality.

    Studio, farm, or business name: Thomson Centennial Farm; TCF Custom Models

    Weirdness Level: 8

    Personal Goals: Finish at least two resins and more model repaints, plus my mule resculpt.

    Community: Encourage me to enter challenges to get things done!

Brenda J Hall
Black Horse Equine Art

painter, tack maker, restoration/repairs , props
Ocala, Florida - USA

  • Painter, Tack Maker, Restoration/Repairs & Props/Obstacles/Jumps

  • Facebook | Instagram

    As a lover of all things equine, I began riding at age 2, drove for the 1st time at age 10 and haven’t stopped since. I have been a professional horse trainer and competitor for over 40 years and specialize in Combined Driving and Pleasure Driving. I currently have 6 real horses that I bred and trained. 2 are PRE, 3 are PRE crosses and 1 Shire/TB cross.

    My collecting started in the early ‘60’s, and have been live showing and judging since the ‘80’s. I create realistic, fantasy & abstract pieces in all scales. Artist Resins, Plastics and cold painted Ceramic/Porcelain.

    Mediums used are highly pigmented Acrylic’s, Pan Pastel’s, Earth Pigment’s & Oil’s. Techniques range from Air Brushing to Dry Brushing and etching is also incorporated.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Carie Passmore

Andrews, North Carolina - USA

  • coming soon

  • I'm Carie Elizabeth Belec Passmore. I'm 43 and horses are a part of me. I've been infatuated with horses ever since I can remember.I got my first horse when I was 11, and she was a palomino quarter horse named Lee Dandy Bar (Dandy). I was raised around cutting horses and then an equine specialist came down from New York, Renee Momot Hall, and showed me the ropes and gave me lessons. If it wasn't for her I would have never been the trainer I am today. People say I have a talent with them so I won't let God down and I'll use it to the fullest of my capabilities to help horses get over bumps in their life and exercise them and to help people be safe and happy and full of love.

    I have had Breyer horses since I was 5 and my first one was the rearing white Pegasus. I have showed 4-H, AQHA, AHSA, and open shows. I've ridden and shown in English, Western, Hunter Jumper, and have an array of awards ,but my favorite trophy is my AQHA Youth All Around trophy.

    I went to the Army in 1999 and became a medic at 17 and got back and crossed over to trail riding and a discovered gaited horses! They are so comfortable to ride on the Trail of tears in The Great Smoky mountains of Andrews,North Carolina. I've worked on and off for the last 30 years at Horseshoe Creek Riding Stables.

    I have a service dog named Harley Quinn and she is a blue and white American Staffordshire Terrier. My cat,Halo,is my emotional support animal.

    Henry Target and Rambo are my three favorite horses. Henry was my advanced show horse bred to be a roping horse he was the best hunter jumper I have ever ridden. He never refused to fence and I could ride him with no bridle over an 8 fence course. He was liver chestnut with a white star overshadowed with a black star and 16.2 hands. Target was rescued Premarin yearling I started training when he was three and skittish. He turned out to be my best friend and we had and unshakable bond. He is a huge chestnut and white overo and had a big brown circle around his left eye, hence his name,Target.

    When he retired Rambo came into the picture and he is a Rocky Mountain Horse. I learned to ride gaited horses and to my amazement I loved it. You feel like you're in a gliding rocker and your feet just dangle and they're moving at a good gait and you don't feel like it's that fast or have gone that distance. When I ride Rambo he's a perfect gentleman. He is a horse I trust with my life and we can do anything together. He is a chocolate and blond mane and tail. He is still my lead horse and best friend and I am still his human and I always will be.

    I draw horses and have done so ever since I can remember, and I am an avid collector of breyer horses. I've always had something to do with horses. I am trying to help EquineCreations happen. I've done so many things with my life but I always come back to horses. My motto is: inside the horse's soul is the heart of a human. I appreciate being a part of the Suenta Guild. I want to get the big thanks to all the people who run it.I know it's hard work and I'm very proud and happy for you all.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Catherine Sullivan
Buttercup Barn Studios

customizer, painter
Sanford, North Carolina - USA

  • Services: Painting, sculpting, custom design work, and 2D art!

    Available Items: I have quite a few models for sale right now as well as prints of some of my artwork

  • Hello! My name is Catherine Sullivan and I am the face behind Buttercup Barn Studios. I started my business because I adore art – of all kinds – but found my niche in model horses. I find myself the happiest when my projects start to come together with new life to them. ​

    I use a variety of mediums in my work and have experience with all of them outside of 3D art as well. For model horses I primarily use hand painted acrylics, airbrush acrylics, pastels, pearl powders, and Windsor and Newton ink. I also occasionally use oils although I prefer acrylics because I enjoy how fast they dry. I have experience with all of these mediums on 2D art as well as I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil. ​

    I specialize in customization of models - sculpting and painting - as well as digital art and acrylics/watercolors. I have a bit of experience in a lot, though, as I’ve always been very crafty!

    Beyond being an artist, I also collect! I like to think I’m just a dragon in a human disguise as I love my item/object hoards and get very excited when I find my grails.
    I love writing as well, though I’ve largely taken a pause on it as I work on my painting and sculpting work. My favorite story of all time is The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle!


    Social Media Links: & Buttercup Barn Studios on Facebook!

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Carrier Pigeon, Message in a Bottle

    Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: I would love to do a meet up at Breyerfest, but I’m unsure if I’ll be able to attend next year. If I can, I’ll definitely come to the meetup, though!! I really hope to!

  • Studio, farm, or business name: Buttercup Barn Studios

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Since I was very young! Maybe around the age of 6 or 7

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: I hope to share my art and find a sense of community with people who enjoy the same hobby as me!

    Mentorship: I’d be happy to provide some tips - at least, what I’ve learned in my experience!

    Seeking Mentorship: I am always seeking knowledge and new techniques, so yes!

    ISO: I’d love to get a custom one day or perhaps do a custom trade! I’d also like to work on more artist resins and Peter Stones. I always have something I’m looking for collection wise I couldn’t begin to list it all here. Definitely things themed with The Last Unicorn, though!

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Collecting, Graphic design, Customizing, Other

    Collaboration: Yes! I’m open to collabs, although I’m unsure what it would look like - let me know if you have an idea!

  • What is your occupation/ career?: I was a used bookstore manager for years before I became a full time artist!

    What are your areas of expertise?: Art, crafting, building, books, and customer service

    Other talents or specialties: 2D art - digital and traditional, design/concept work, and writing/poetry.

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Art, collecting, watching film (TV and movies), and podcasts

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: I am passionate about music, film, art, and animals! I also like cars, although I don’t have as much knowledge about them as I do the other subjects I mentioned.

    Real Horses: I grew up with a pony when I was young, but when I outgrew her my parents had to sell her. I rode for a while, but eventually lessons became too expensive.

    Real Horse Experience: Shetland Pony, Rocky Mountain Horse, and Mustang with a Western Saddle and a (most likely as she was a rescue) Quarter Horse with English

    Resources: I always recommend joining hobby Facebook pages - I’ve learned the most from the community!

    Tips: Do not be afraid to jump in headfirst. It’s a huge learning curve, but if you’re passionate, the knowledge will come with practice! Art takes time and experience - with those two ingredients, anyone can make a masterpiece!

    Fact About You: One of my first words was horse, although I said it like “ORSE!” As we passed a pasture of them.

    Favorite Real Horse: Secretariet seems like a basic answer, but it’s true, I love him dearly! Second would be Asombro who was saved by Rocking R Rescue

    Favorite Model Horse: Cryptic and Spectrum are two of my favorite Breyers ever!

    Weirdness Level: 10, probably lol

    Personal Goals: I was hoping to paint my first artist resin by the end of the year. I also wanted to go to a live show and I have one scheduled for this year (2024) in August that I’m very excited for!

    Community: Let me know if there are any model horse live shows around North Carolina! I want to go to as many as I can next year - if possible!

Cherie Sumner
Cherie Leigh

artist/illustrator, author/writer, poet
Denver, North Carolina - USA

  • Available Items: I have poetry books and one novel about a unicorn's adventures available in stores. My latest book in 2024 is all horse poetry narratives.

  • Hi. I am an artist/illustrator, author/writer and award winning poet. My published books are available on,, and, as well as available to order at book stores . My latest book is called, "Matted Manes and Tangled Tails," and features narrative poetry about horses, featuring my original artwork as well. I have illustrated other author's books as well as taken commissions on my art. I love to experiment with any creative form of art for expression.


    Social Media Links: I am on Facebook under my pen name of Cherie Leigh

    Preferred Method of Contact: Facebook Messenger, Email

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Author/Writer/Illustrator for twelve years

    What are your areas of expertise?: passionate love poetry and nature poetry

    Studio, farm, or business name: Cherie Leigh on my books

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: I just joined Seunta this year, but have been in the model horse hobby for over 15 years.

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: I love to see what the latest models and molds out are of horses by various sculpting artists, and I also love to find artists who paint the resins. I am always interested in finding local model shows or events.

  • What are your main interests or hobbies?: I love horseback riding, jet skiing, painting and drawing, writing poetry, dancing, reading, live music, nature.

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: I love to learn about spirituality and ancient civilizations, Sumerian tablets, and ancient Egypt gods and the Anunnaki.

    Real Horses: I worked with horses for eight years, giving horseback riding therapy to people with disabilities.

    Real Horse Experience: I mostly have ridden quarter horses/paint horses or mix breeds used for therapy.

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Collecting, Graphic design

    Other talents or specialties: Illustration for books

    Fact About You: When I am alone, I like to shadow dance.

    Favorite Real Horse: Thor, wild stallion of McCullough Peaks in Wyoming. He died last May to a direct head kick in a fight with another stallion. He was a beautiful splashy overo grey pinto mustang.

    Favorite Model Horse: Breyer's Fireheart

    Weirdness Level: Probably an I think most creative people are unique and interpreted as weird.

    Personal Goals: I would like to be on a best seller's list someday and continue to do book signings and meet cool people out there who attend.

Christine Ann
Crazy Cat Kitten Rescue

animal rescue, TNR
Bethlehem, Georgia - USA

  • Cat guardians with rescue, TNR, and feeding feral communities.

    Beautiful kittens available for adoption.

    Follow their Facebook page for full stories and hundreds of photos....

  • Atlanta/Athens area, Bethlehem, GA- Mom & Daughter team doing what we love! Rescuing kittens and cats in need! Also do TNR and feed feral communities.

    ADOPTION, Donation link & Amazon Wishlist



  • If you adopt from Crazy Cat Kitten Rescue, Seunta will give you a free artist resin model, shipped to you at no charge.

    Read more details about the kittens on their page… ask us about any model that you like!

    Crazy Cat Kitten Rescue

    Some rescue photos are difficult to look at. It is a glimpse of harsh reality. Please support this rescue effort with your donations or even kind words. Words of support cost nothing and mean so much. They are doing a daily job that is overwhelming for most of us. It’s nasty, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s a reality that most people leave for someone else to take care of.

    Seunta witnesses their efforts regularly and they have my unwavering support and love.

  • To each beautiful soul that is saved…
    You’ll never starve again.
    You’ll never hurt again.
    You’ll never feel lonely and unloved again.
    You’ll never feel scared and unwanted again.

    We will never betray you.
    We will always protect you.
    And when time comes
    we’ll be right next to you
    To hold you and
    make you feel loved.

    (Author unknown)

Eillisha Buccheri
Little Owl Studio

customizer, painter
Plungar, Nottinghamshire - UK

  • Painter & customizer

  • Facebook | Website

    Hi There! I'm a UK artist that loves to draw, animate and work on a few aspects of model horses from customising to repairs. I rejoined the hobby back in 2016 and haven't managed to escape since! I absolutely love my work as a model horse artist, watching how my work has progressed since late 2016 and meeting so many amazing people along the way within the hobby. It has and continues to be a humbling experience, even more so when working with others to customise their models the way they envisioned.

  • Coming soon

  • coming soon

Fabrizio Sburlati

sculptor, painter, 3D art
Turin, Piedmont - Italy

  • Custom Portraits — Seunta LLC

    Custom sculpted portraits of your horse.

  • I would like to introduce Fabrizio Sburati, a remarkable talent and an equally wonderful individual. It's not just his sculpting talent that sets him apart; it's also his warm heart and kind spirit that make him a true gem. He is humble and the excitement for what he creates is off the chart. I enjoy every second of talking with him.

    Fabrizio has over 35 years of experience in advertising, using 3D modeling as his main tool. As a professional reiner, Fabrizio has a profound connection to the equine world. Fabrizio's genuine love for horses, 3D experiences, and his professional level of horsemanship makes him a truly exceptional person for us to welcome into our guild. Join us in celebrating the equestrian passion of Fabrizio, a talent who brings both art and horses to life in the most wonderful way.

  • Digital sculptor, painter, customizer, 3D printing.

    Exclusive to Seunta LLC

  • Talents or specialties: 35 years in marketing.

Honey Gibbons
Creative Works by Honey Gibbons

customizer, painter
Fallon, Nevada - USA

  • What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Collecting, Customizing

    Collaboration: I do take Commissions

    Services: Painting

    Available Items: Custom Models and OF

  • Facebook

    I have had plastic horses since I was under 5 or so. A really long time. Been around live horses since I was well a small kid. In young school ages my friend and I would paint our plastic horse to the colors we wanted. Still picked models up here and there. I realized I could paint and sell. Off with I picked back up in 2000. Trial and error from that point to now.


    Social Media Links:

    Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (not sure how to

  • Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Breyerfest.

    What is your occupation/ career?: My models Pay for my live animals

    Studio, farm, or business name: Creative Horse Works by Honey Gibbons

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Have had plastic horses since 5 or you younger

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Hanging with wonderful like minded people.

    Mentorship: I help when asked

    Seeking Mentorship: I’m always interesting in visiting and gaining ideas

    ISO: Moon that I can think of

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Collecting, Customizing

    Favorite Model Horse: The Othello Wintersong Mold

  • What are your areas of expertise?: Live animals. Riding working on horses with hubby.

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Painting artistic work ideas

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Horses

    Real Horses: Since I was a young kid. Have had lives ones all my life

    Real Horse Experience: Western rodeo. Appaloosa, Peruvian Paso

    Tips: Just keep plugging along. Don’t take things to heart.

    Fact About You: I’m a loner

    Favorite Real Horse: Hippy (Pratt Chelsea IM). Passed way at 32

    Weirdness Level: 10 totally weird shines well the more one gets to know me

Jade Thorne

customizer, painter
Gadsden, Alabama - USA

  • Available Items: I have several resins up for sale right now that I'm not going to paint. Tajo Grande, Marezilla, Trenzetter, Kaladin, Orion and Aurora, Duelo ... I think that's all of them.

  • I do repaints and make zombies when I have the energy, and generally like to stay in the background. I do this for fun, not for monetary reasons.


    Social Media Links:

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Carrier Pigeon, Message in a Bottle

  • Interested in a Meet-Up: Maybe, if I can find the time.

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Oh, lord. Off and on? 42 years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: I don't know. Friends, maybe? Learning how to be a better painter, I don't know.

    Mentorship: I can't even teach my cats to behave, lol. I mean, if I can help someone out I will, but I'm no teacher, lol.

    Seeking Mentorship: At the moment, no, not when I'm indecisive about the hobby.

    ISO: I love Tekes. I'm not currently looking, but that's what I gravitate toward when I am looking

    Favorite Model Horse: Altynai, if we're talking mass-produced. Tokhtamysh, Genc, and Taklamakan if we're talking resins.

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Disabled veteran

    What are your areas of expertise?: Basic knitting, some photography, off-roading (I drive a lifted Jeep)

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Reading, writing, taking pictures of the sky

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Offhand, I don't think so. Other than not being a crappy person to others - I'm very strongly against bullying online or offline.

    Real Horses: I started riding when I was 10. I've ridden off and on my whole life, but I can't put that into years because it wasn't consisten.

    Real Horse Experience: Grew up riding quarter horses (western), but I was fortunate to have the pleasure of owning a Friesian for a very short time - I rode English with him.

    What are your talents or specialties?: Working with live animals, Photography, Collecting

    Other talents or specialties: Being awkward - does that count?

    Tips: Be kind. It costs nothing. And give people the benefit of the doubt until they show you otherwise.

    Fact About You: I met Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell once, at a hotel I worked at.

    Favorite Real Horse: Akhal Teke. Hands-down, my favorite. I don't know why, but yeah. If I have to name just one - as in a specific horse - I have no idea.

    Weirdness Level: 10

    Personal Goals: Right now I have no idea, other than things that don't pertain to the hobby. If that changes, I'll let you know.

    Community: Buy my resins, lol. I kid. As I said, this is all stuff outside of the hobby.

Jamie Heiberger
Artistic Alchemy Studio

customizer, painter, collector
Hartford, South Dakota, USA

  • coming soon

  • I always wanted a horse as a kid, but it unfortunately never happened. As a result, I started collecting Breyers as a kid. I stopped collecting and sold my horses in 1998 when I went off to college.

    I didn't get back into collecting again until around 2018. I found a palomino Marwari Breyer at an antique mall and thought "Wow! These aren't the horses I grew up with!" The paint job and sculpt were so beautiful. My hubby bought me that Marwari and encouraged me to get back into collecting.

    After a while I decided to give myself the power of making horse colors I wanted, and got into customizing. In January of 2021 I joined NaMoPaiMo and painted my first model horse. I finally found the thing that makes me most happy on the inside and I am never going back! I have a lot to learn but it never gets old talking to other artists and learning new things. And I know enough stuff that I can help others too. It's so rewarding!


    Social Media Links:

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Carrier Pigeon, Message in a Bottle

  • Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: A Guild Breyerfest meetup would be awesome!!

    Studio, farm, or business name: Artistic Alchemy Studio - Art by Jamie M. Heiberger

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: 6 years as an adult. Maybe 5 years as a kid. 11 total years maybe?

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: I love to learn new things and help others learn too. Whether it's art or collecting models. It would also be nice to network with other artists and maybe grow my art studio a little.

    Mentorship: Sure, I am happy to share what I know. I don't believe in hoarding my knowledge. A lot of people helped me get started so I want to pay it forward.

    Seeking Mentorship: Absolutely! It would be great to learn from "a master." Learning keeps my mind sharp and my hands busy.

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Collecting, Customizing

    Resources: Customizing Model Horses: Painting and Etching by Ashley Konichek. I got this book when I first started thinking about customizing and it is basically my Bible for customizing. I refer to it ALL the time!

    Sarah Tregay's horse photo reference books:
    Horse Images for Artist's Reference and Inspiration
    Foals: Horse Images for Artist's Reference and Inspiration

    Horse and Mule Images for Artist's Reference and Inspiration
    Isolated Horse Images for Artist's Reference and Inspiration

    Tips: If you're a new artist - don't judge your work by comparing it to others that have been doing it a long time. Comparison is the thief of joy.

    You don't become a great artist overnight. So don't be frustrated if your efforts don't turn out the way you thought! Keep on practicing.

    Favorite Model Horse: Breyer Shetland Pony Stablemate

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Pharmacy Technician / Team Lead

    What are your areas of expertise?: I'm really a Jamie of all trades. I find I can do anything I set my mind to.

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Model horses and dinosaurs. Dogs. Reading. Riding my bicycle. Nordic Walking. Falconry.

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Horses! Dinosaurs! Books! Bicycles! Birds!

    Real Horse Experience: Mom and Dad should have just bought me the horse when I was a kid. Then maybe I wouldn't be filling up my house with models. Hah!

    Fact About You: My mom named me Jamie after the Bionic Woman, whose name was Jamie Sommers.

    Favorite Real Horse: Ugh, I am a sucker for Sunday Silence.

    Weirdness Level: Probably a 7. I'm not waaaaay out there, but I could maybe qualify as "eccentric."

    Personal Goals: I really want to do a varnish Appaloosa. Appaloosas are a color that I find to be difficult as it is so a varnish Appaloosa would really push my skills.

    Community: Oh, I know there are tricks and tips! I am almost sure there are people that have done these and have some good ideas.

Jean Barrett
Erie Creations

customizer, painter
Derby, New York - USA

  • coming soon

  • Website | Email

    I started in the hobby back in the 80s with the name Raven Arts Creation - then changed to Erie Creations. I have painted using airbrush, pastel pigments and acrylics. I use a combination of some or all of these to produce a finished piece.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Jennifer Bui

collector, shower
Norcross, Georgia - USA

  • Proxy showing and BreyerFest pick up available.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Jennifer Janssen

painter, customizer, collector
Kleve, North Rhine-Westphalia - Germany

  • coming soon

  • Hello! I'm a model horse collector from Germany. I started collecting in the mid 1990's with Breyer model horses. I do painting and customizing my models too, but only for myself and can finish a very few within a year (I'm very slow).

    I love all breeds and my collection includes the tiny ones like Micro Mini up to Traditional, all scales.


    Social Media Links: Facebook Jenny Janssen

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger

  • How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Mid 1990's

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Collecting, Customizing

    Favorite Model Horse: Too many...

  • Real Horses: First riding lessons when I was 9 years old. Riding lessons nowadays are very rare.

    Real Horse Experience: My hearthorse Sabrina when I was a teen. She was a German Warmblood (Westfale). After I lost her, I found a riding stable with Icelandic horses, I fell in love with that breed.

    Fact About You: I love Heavy Metal music.

    Favorite Real Horse: Sabrina (German Warmblood)

    Weirdness Level: 5

    Personal Goals: Painting more of my blank resins and of course, finish them!

    Community: Good mood and show many of your painted models!

Jody Jones
Begin Again Studio

Lebanon, Indiana - USA

  • Painter

  • Facebook

    I customize models I enjoy. I have been collecting since a very young age. I started out with she-ra and He-man horses. The crystal ones at about the age of 4 or 5. Then moved in with my mom at about 9 or so. I then got into the Live Horses. Been hooked every since. I had a palomino walking Hartland had all his legs broke at the knees but he still ran as good as any with all their legs. I would sneak play with my moms Breyer horses. Favorite was the Chestnut Splatter Appy QH. besides other horse figurines to play with was funrise, then Grand Champions. Then got my first Traditionals Justin Morgan and Chestnut Pinto SHS. My BFF and I started painting horses to colors we wanted. That's when it all started for customizing. Just for our fun.

    I then just collected as I seen them had over a Hundred or so. Then found out that they were actually Customized and sold. Then wonderful new doors opened for getting into selling them too in 2000. I have done trial and error with techniques. Paint colors and went from being scared to death to work on a broken horse to totally chopping them up.

    This is a little Bit of who I am. No matter how many times I have tried to walk away from my Models and painting. But I have always came back to painting customizing. I totally enjoy seeing all the wonderful comments and all my Happy Customers of my customs. Thank You to all who have helped me make this a wonderful journey for me.

    Hi! My name is Jody and I have been a Breyer model collector and hobbyist since 1965. I began painting and customizing back in about 2005 after I had retired from my 40 year career as a horse and dog trainer and I had moved into my elderly parents home to care for them in their declining years. During that time I began dabbling in custom models. I had always sketched and painted in flat work, so model painting fit smoothly into my hobby addiction! I didn't open my studio and website to the public until 2017 though. Now I am a full time model painter and love every minute spent in my studio. I paint Artist Resins and Plastics for resale and do Commissions and Portrait models as well. Thank you for considering my work!

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Johnathan Carr

Johnathan Carr
Seunta LLC

IT professional, casting
Toronto, Ontario - Canada

  • Exclusive to Seunta

  • at Seunta

  • Specialties: Casting and model reproduction.

    Favorite Model Horse: Seunta Kutuyah

  • What is your occupation/ career?: IT Professional, Resin Casting & Production

    What are your areas of expertise?: IT & resin casting.

    Studio, farm, or business name: Angel Dance Hill

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Cats & Gaming

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Napping

    Real Horses: 27 years

    Real Horse Experience: Training foals each year, prepping for shows, daily herd maintenance, and casual riding.

    Weirdness Level: Need higher numbers.

Julie Brooks
Whispering Wind Studio

customizer, painter
Centerview, Missouri - USA

  • Sculptor, painter & customizer.

  • Facebook

    My name is Julie Brooks, and I have been customizing and painting model horses since 1997. I mostly prefer to work with traditional scale models, and my favorite medium is airbrushed acrylics, although I do use earth pigments and oils from time to time as well. I have created two original sculptures, one of which has been cast by Seunta. I have four real horses and enjoy trail riding.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Kayla Lovejoy
Kayla Lovejoy Equine Art

customizer, painter
West Newfield, Maine - USA

  • Painter & sculptor

  • Facebook

    I’ve been collecting Breyer models since I was nine. My first models were the classic mustang sets sold at Walmart. I was around twelve when I painted my first custom model. It was a blue roan G2 morgan stablemate. I still have that model today and it is a reminder of how far I’ve come as an artist.

    For me, customizing combines my love of horses and art. I love the world of model horses and enjoy a little bit of everything; painting, sculpting, tack making, showing, etc. In 2021 I began customizing models full time. I especially love working with stablemate scale models. I’ve recently started sculpting my own models and look forward to releasing some resin editions in the future.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Kimberly Bleecker
Total Image Equine

Emmaus, Pennsylvania - USA

  • Painter

  • I have been painting most of my life. Love what both nature and this hobby has given me to produce these horses. Started with water base paints, but found over the years that oil paint really brings the model to life. There is a certain glow to them I also enjoy painting dogs & cats. Love seeing people enjoy the models at the shows and at their homes on the shelf.

  • Painter

  • coming soon

Linda Wilkinson

painter, customizer
BIglerville, Pennsylvania - USA

  • Services: ideas

  • Horses have been in my life since I was three. I started painting ceramic carouse animals about 21 years age. Then I saw my first custom Breyer and thought I can do that and that led to resins and here I am painted resin horses but I do painted carousel animals when I have the chance..I am also a volunteer with protection at Gettysburg National Military Park..


    Social Media Links: FB

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger

  • How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: forever..

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: new friends new paint ideas and new horses

    Mentorship: I can not..too busy with painting and volunteering

    Favorite Model Horse: all of them

  • What is your occupation/ career?: work from home..Did work at a dealership parts dep.for about 38 years then stopped to take of Mom

    What are your areas of expertise?: drag racing..the car is a 1966 chev II

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: horses and racing

    Real Horses: Had a horse she died due to dirty farming by the neighbor many years ago

    Real Horse Experience: Been riding since I was three

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Collecting, Photography

    Favorite Real Horse: all of them

Marnie Rose
Rose Haven Kennel
RHK Fine Art
Felfire Winery

dog training, collecting, painting
Columbus, Ohio - USA

  • Services: just to friends and family for now, will be opening it to others in a bit.

  • Studio, farm, or business name:, RHKFineArt, Felfire Winery

    There is no introduction for me. Just experience and weirdness. Try my about page from Anything else, just ask me or Sherry or my friend Katie Chamblin.

    Social Media Links:

    Preferred Method of Contact: Message in a Bottle, Carrier Pigeon, Snail Mail, Telephone, Guild Chat Only, Facebook Messenger, Email

  • Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Sure

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: 200 years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: acceptance without being overwelhmed-high functioning autistic

    Mentorship: possibly

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Collecting, Tack making, Prop making, Photography, Working with live animals, Other, Customizing

    Collaboration: maybe

    Favorite Model Horse: Marabella

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Dog Training and Breeding. 200 years.

    What are your areas of expertise?: running your own business, law enforcement, military, SCA, Renn Faire, scyfy, Dragons, WoW.

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: art, wow, guns, scy/fi, fantasy, biology, genetics, dragons

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: lots

    Real Horses: 200 years

    Real Horse Experience: Dressage and Eventing, and warhorses specifically medieval horsemanship

    Other talents or specialties: building and tools

    Tips: Remember, you cannot control what other people say or do.

    Fact About You: I play a Blood Elf Pally in World of Warcraft.

    Favorite Real Horse: Nathan, an Arab stallion that would nip new girls in the boobs and then play keep away with them.

    Personal Goals: to stay alive, get out of my depression, get back onto my competition schedule with my dogs, start opening up my art to others.

    Community: patience and encouragement and understanding

Melissa Boverhof
Model Horse Artisan Guild

customizer, painter
Grant, Michigan - USA

  • Services: Painting, minor repair and resculpt.

    Available Items:

  • Facebook

    Bio: I have been drawing and painting my whole life. I graduated from Kendall Collage of Art and Design in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in Digital Media. I am from west Michigan and grew up on and around horses. Painting model horses combes my 2 favorite things, art and horses and I am so thankful I get to share my passion with others.


    Social Media Links:,

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger

  • Studio, farm, or business name: Model Horse Artisan Guild

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Since age 7

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Connections, and new friends :)

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Customs and Artist Resins

    Tips: The mast has failed more times that the beginner has even tried. So keep practicing and creating :)

    Favorite Model Horse: Valiente

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Web Developer

    What are your areas of expertise?: Web Development, Marketing, Graphic Design

    Real Horses: 20 years living around horses

    Real Horse Experience: Miniature horses, quarter horses, draft horses. Driving, and trail riding.

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Graphic design, Sculpting

    Favorite Real Horse: Hunny Bunny

    Weirdness Level: 10

    Personal Goals: Get better, always get better.

    Community: Seeing what others are working on helps inspire and encourage me :)

Priscilla Andrews
Sandhills Stables

customizer, painter
Burwell, Nebraska - USA

  • coming soon

  • Priscilla Andrews has been involved in art in one way or another all of her life. She stated drawing as soon as she could hold a pencil, and drew horses before she drew her name. She started collecting Breyer and Hartland horses in the 1970’s as a young girl, and after a 30 year hiatus for college, raising kids and her career, she is now back customizing model horses.

    Priscilla is also a portrait artist, doing commissions of dogs, horses and people. She also judges art contests, including judging the drawing and painting classes at the Nebraska State Fair. Her years in veterinary school have helped her in her art because her knowledge of how animals are put together on the inside help guide her customizing on the outside.

    Priscilla lives in the Nebraska Sandhills, a World Heritage Site and the only place of its kind in the world. Miles and miles of a thin layer of grass cover sand dunes, providing excellent forage for cattle. There are millions of head of cattle in the Sandhills, but not very many people or cities. Priscilla takes much of her artistic inspiration from life in the Sandhills.

    Priscilla and her husband Brett recently sold their veterinary clinic and they are now retired. She has the opportunity to give even more time to her various forms of art and she enthusiastically looks forward to a life filled with wonder and joy in her art that includes customizing model horses.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Samantha Ann
Crazy Cat Kitten Rescue

animal rescue, TNR
Bethlehem, Georgia - USA

  • Cat guardians with rescue, TNR, and feeding feral communities.

    Beautiful kittens available for adoption.

    Follow their Facebook page for full stories and hundreds of photos....

  • Atlanta/Athens area, Bethlehem, GA- Mom & Daughter team doing what we love! Rescuing kittens and cats in need! Also do TNR and feed feral communities.

    ADOPTION, Donation link & Amazon Wishlist



  • If you adopt from Crazy Cat Kitten Rescue, Seunta will give you a free artist resin model, shipped to you at no charge.

    Read more details about the kittens on their page… ask us about any model that you like!

    Crazy Cat Kitten Rescue

    Some rescue photos are difficult to look at. It is a glimpse of harsh reality. Please support this rescue effort with your donations or even kind words. Words of support cost nothing and mean so much. They are doing a daily job that is overwhelming for most of us. It’s nasty, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s a reality that most people leave for someone else to take care of.

    Seunta witnesses their efforts regularly and they have my unwavering support and love.

  • To each beautiful soul that is saved…
    You’ll never starve again.
    You’ll never hurt again.
    You’ll never feel lonely and unloved again.
    You’ll never feel scared and unwanted again.

    We will never betray you.
    We will always protect you.
    And when time comes
    we’ll be right next to you
    To hold you and
    make you feel loved.

    (Author unknown)

Samantha Podmolik

Cumming, Georgia - USA

  • Services: I have gotten decent at deciphering if a model is good for live showing along with identifying the model (Breyer only)

  • I have been around horses my entire life and got my first Breyer as a kid! I’ve gotten back into the hobby of collecting within the past few years and eventually plan on customizing some! I’m still in college although I should hopefully be graduating within the next year.


    Social Media Links: (Breyer Instagram)

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Message in a Bottle

  • Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Breyerfest would be fun!

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: about 10 years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: I would love to make friends as well as learn tips and tricks regarding the model horse hobby (either showing, customizing, photographing, etc.)

    Mentorship: No

    Seeking Mentorship: Possibly, I’m unsure

    What are your talents or specialties?: Collecting

    Collaboration: Anything with identifying a model or determining if a model is lsq

    Favorite Model Horse: Breyer horses! Silver, esprit, and Bristol are my top molds

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Criminal justice with forensic concentration and a minor in psychology. I’m hoping to become a crime scene investigator.

    What are your areas of expertise?: Other than what I’m going to college for I’m not sure

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Diamond paintings, writing, video games, anime, photography, legos

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Criminal interrogations and crime scenes! I’m also passionate about the anime’s Haikyu!! And Jujutsu Kaisen

    Real Horses: 19 years

    Real Horse Experience: Tennessee walker, simple western although I have experience with English (just basics)

    Fact About You: I fall in love with music and analyze songs I feel a connection with

    Favorite Real Horse: My heart horse Red, famous wise Checkers

    Weirdness Level: 10 I’m quite weird

    Personal Goals: I’m hoping to graduate college and obtain a steady job!

    Community: I think letting me indulge in this hobby will be my way of making that goal

Sherry Carr
Seunta LLC

Atlanta, Georgia - USA

  • Limited resin casting & production, new artist resin models and occasionally collection pieces (Breyer, Stone Horse and painted AR models) for sale.

  • Bio:

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger

    Studio, farm, or business name: Seunta LLC & Angel Dance Hill

  • Interested in a Meet-Up: Yes - with a guild house.

    What are your areas of expertise?: Dental Assistant, Nutritionist, Paint Horse Breeder, Resin mold making & casting.

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Fellowship

    Resources: I can recommend a book by Janine Haq (available on Amazon) - "How to Sculpt a Horse with Polymer Clay". The anatomical tips and illustrations are great reference for more than just sculpting with Polymer Clay.

    Tips: Don't let social media negativity get you down! There are countless numbers of amazing people in the hobby... they just tend to not be as "loud" as some of the others.

  • What are your main interests or hobbies?: Cats

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Nutrition ( | The Latest Nutrition Related Topics)

    Real Horses: 54 years

    Real Horse Experience: APHA National circuit in all disciplines

    Favorite Real Horse: Secretariat

    Favorite Model Horse: Traditional Nahar

    Weirdness Level: I will never admit it.

Sherry Clayton

customizer, painter
Madera, California - USA

  • Painter & customizer

  • Facebook 

    I’ve been painting model horses for people since the 90's. I accept commissions when I have openings. I do not have a website but keep pictures of my finished models on my Facebook page.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Sugarloaf Nebula

digital sculptor, painter
Apex, North Carolina - USA

  • coming soon

  • Hey everyone! My name is SugarLoaf Nebula I am a Non-Binary Equine Artist in North Carolina! I will release an introduction post later. My first sculpture is coming out soon in resin! You'll hear more about her as we near closer to her release in the next few weeks.

  • coming soon

  • coming soon

Susan Wade

Columbus, Ohio - USA

  • coming soon

  • Just turned 57, married for 22 years, 5 children (3 boys and 2 girls), 3 granddaughters, 2 black and white Siberian Huskies with blue eyes. Have been collecting for around 50 years; don’t have any Stone horses, may have Hagen Renaker. I have tried my hand at customizing (painting, simple resculpt, etching) and tack making.

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Snail Mail

    Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Yes, but don’t have transportation

  • How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: For about 25 years: had a gap of about 20 years, got reinterested a year and half ago.

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Learn new skills and get inspiration from everyone else

    Seeking Mentorship: Possibly

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Breyer horses, customizing, live and photo showing

    What are your talents or specialties?: Collecting

    Favorite Model Horse: Django

  • Tips: Read all posts about customizing and sculpting

    Fact About You: Shy until I know you better

    Weirdness Level: 8

    Personal Goals: Getting good at repainting model horses to sell/trade

    Community: Share your work and help me with criticism of my work

Terry Boaz
Springhill Stables, Ashwood Shepards

collector, painter, shower, author
Garner, North Carolina - USA

  • Services: Fun With Model Horses, a Facebook online show, I admin and created for hobbiest to enjoy showing.

    Available Items: None. I only paint for my own use. I don’t sell or create for profit.

  • I love horses, writing and painting models. I was born and raised in California, and moved to NC in 2019 to be near family. My husband and I have been married for 54 years. We have one child, who is married and blessed us with an adorable grandson. I was an art/English major in college. I painted oils and showed them in art shows in Southern CA, later I put my painting skills to use painting model horses and showing them.


    Social Media Links: Fun With Model Horses (founder)

    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger, Guild Chat Only, Snail Mail, Carrier Pigeon, Message in a Bottle

  • Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Never been

    Studio, farm, or business name: Ashwood Shepherds/ Springhill Stables

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: Since 2014

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: Sharing with others, meeting people who enjoy the hobby as much as I do

    Mentorship: Yes

    What are your main interests or hobbies?: Painting and Showing online.

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Anything related to model horses/model horse showing

    Collaboration: Yes, online showing.

    Favorite Model Horse: Seunta Models to paint. Stone and Breyers to Collect

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Retired middle school librarian. Retired in 2013

    What are your areas of expertise?: I bred and trained AKC German Shepherds for police and Search and Rescue.

    Real Horses: Owned real horses for about 50 years.

    Real Horse Experience: Paints, Quarter Horses, Arabians, Ponies, Appaloosas, etc. We have had a lot of horses through the years. Mostly we did trail riding, because at the time we lived in the Sierra Nevada Foothills in Northern CA, away from the ability to show horses.

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Collecting, Photography, Working with live animals, Graphic design

    Other talents or specialties: Writing, I have written articles for various horse magazines, and I have a book on Amazon
    Stallions: The Adventures Of A Paint Horse - Kindle edition by Boaz, Terry. Children Kindle eBooks @

    Resources: Facebook Fun With Model Horses Online Show. Partnered with Seunta to offer a better avenue for Model Horse Showers/Customizers to show their work.

    Tips: If anyone would likeinformation on online photography/model horse showing, just contact me for help

    Fact About You: I have written a book for young adults, available on Amazon tiled: Stallions, the Adventures of a Paint Horse. Told from the horses point of view

    Favorite Real Horse: Silver, my first horse, named after my childhood dream horse, the Lone Ranger’s Silver

    Weirdness Level: LOL. This scale doesn’t begin to peg my weird sense of humor. I love to write about my crazy every day life experiences.

    Personal Goals: Enjoy the hobby and share it with others.

    Community: Just have fun with me and join Fun With Model Horses on Facebook

Tibbi Searcher

artist, sculptor
Enterprise, Oregon - USA

  • Services: Resins, customs

    Available Items: Resins

  • I've collected model horses since an early age and even customized them. In 2005 I entered the RESS sculpting contest and won. This was my first introduction into the hobby. Since then I have produced many resin editions and created numerous customs.


    Social Media Links:

    Preferred Method of Contact: Facebook Messenger, Email

  • What are your areas of expertise?: Sculpting, customizing, painting

    Studio, farm, or business name: Searcher Studio

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: 19

    Mentorship: Yes

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Customizing

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Wax chaser, far too long

    Real Horses: 44

    Real Horse Experience: QH, Arabian, Peruvian Paso, grade horses. Pleasure riding.

Trista Trimborn
Juniper Moon Creations LLC

artist, customizer
Santa Fe, New Mexico - USA

  • Services: Customize models, ambassador

    Available Items: Custom models, custom burned wool hats


    Preferred Method of Contact: Email, Facebook Messenger

    Interested in a Guild Meet-Up: Yes

  • What is your occupation/ career?: Artist, sales

    What are your areas of expertise?: Art, reading, writing, manual work

    Studio, farm, or business name: Juniper Moon Creations llc.

    How long have you been a member of the model horse hobby?: 17 years

    What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?: To be encouraged and upbuilt to keep pursuing this hobby and learning new things. Becoming a better artist

    Seeking Mentorship: Possibly

    Collaboration: Yes. Customizing models

    Favorite Model Horse: Breyer, too many favorites to name!

  • Item desWhat are your main interests or hobbies?: Horses, art, reading, dogs, traveling, music, pyrography

    Are there any specific topics you are passionate about?: Fantasy

    Real Horses: 4 years

    Real Horse Experience: Mustang, quarter horse, Arab. Pleasure riding, a little jumping

    What are your talents or specialties?: Painting, Sculpting, Collecting, Photography, Customizing, Working with live animals

    Tips: Be involved, be positive

    Fact About You: My dreams are extremely vivid. I can see colors, textures, even hear things

    Favorite Real Horse: Secretariat

    Favorite Model Horse: Breyer, too many favorites to name!

    Weirdness Level: 9.9997

    Personal Goals: Gain new skills as an artist, sell my work and make it my full time job

    Community: Getting my name and work out there to other enthusiasts and artists

Verne Albright

author, Peruvian Paso historian
Calgary, Alberta - Canada

  • Books are available on Amazon:
    "The Blue Book of Peruvian Paso Bloodlines"

    "The Peruvian Paso and His Classic Equitation"

    "Horseback Across Three Americas"
    Winner of the 2021 Best "Equine Journey" Literary Award at EQUUS Television's EQUUS Film and Arts Festival!

    Travel with Verne Albright on his famous Peru-to-California ride. Cringe as he encounters vampire bats. Feel apprehension as he’s chased by bandits, and when he rides into Nicaragua days after a violent revolution. Be there when a road grader driver tries to run him and his horses down. Experience the tension of facing malaria, typhoid, cholera, and bubonic plague. Come with him across the Peak of Death, where travelers have frozen to death standing. Feel his anxiety when he becomes a fugitive from the law in Mexico. And meet countless fascinating people including a witch doctor, bandits, a smuggler, a bullying sheriff, and a beautiful American girl named Emily.

  • Verne Albright has hundreds of articles and three books about Peruvian Paso horses to his credit. For years, he was the editor of the Peruvian Horse World magazine and its successor, the Peruvian Horse World Review. He was also the founder of the American Association of Owners and Breeders of Peruvian Horses.

    During the breed's invasion of the United States in the 1960's and 70's, he arranged for the importation of over 250 head. His trips to Peru number more than 65, and he's been made an honorary lifetime member of the Asociacion Nacional de Crisdores y Propietarios del Caballo Peruano de Paso, the national breeders association in Peru.

  • Verne has been a friend of Seunta for several years. Fabrizio & Sherry were honored to make a portrait of his favorite mare "Hamaca".

    Verne chose a sitting position for Hamaca to reflect his favorite memory during his horseback ride across the Americas. Hamaca would sit down in protest at times. There is one special photo that Verne likes to recall... a photographer had come to take photos of his journey and Hamaca would have none of it - she sat down in protest and her response was captured forever in the photo.

  • Favorite real horse: Hamaca

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Model Horse Frustration

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Model Horse Customizers

Sculpting, painting, advice and creative ideas.
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Model Horse Transaction Reviews

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Seunta LLC Model Horses

Group for sharing photos & winnings of Seunta models, with other announcements.

Seunta LLC

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The Seunta Guild

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