Customizing Policy

Having fun with your model is encouraged... customize the appearance as you like by changing the mane or tail, tweaking conformation to suit another breed, adding wings, horns, or anything else that may inspire creativity for your one-of-a-kind sculpture.

Models from Seunta LLC may not be reproduced. Although customizing is encouraged, reproducing the model for sale is not allowed. This includes using a model from Seunta LLC as armature for a new creation.

Our Waiting List

On any section of this website where models are sold (Archives, Traditional Models, etc) there is an option to signup for a waiting list. This list is only for the model that you are viewing at that time. Each model has a separate list. This process is in place for models that are not yet in production and also for any models that are out of stock or discontinued.

This is not a subscription to any newsletter. Being on the list does not guarantee a model and models cannot be held for anyone. But this process will assist you in getting the model that you want.

Many models are out of stock as we are a small shop. In this case, these lists will help us to determine which models should be restocked quickly.

”Out of Stock” means there is no inventory for that model.

”Out of Stock” means there is no inventory for that model.

Model Production & Editions

Sales are generally twice each year - the annual summer sale (July) and holiday sale (November).

Periodically, a new traditional size artist resin model may be offered to subscribers You must be a current newsletter subscriber to purchase the model from the online store. Newsletter subscribers will have the exclusive opportunity to purchase micro minis.

Retired and discontinued models will become a part of the archives at  These models are basically horses that are out to pasture, and will appear on the model archives page

Out of stock models can be either open or limited edition models. If a model is not on the shelf and available to be shipped immediately it will be in out-of-stock status until more copies can be cast. No orders will be taken during that time.

Limited Editions are models that are restricted to a one-mold run. One mold typically produces 50-90 models before being exhausted. Production on most models will stop at 50-60 pieces, before the mold begins to deteriorate.

The best copies always go to our customers in order to assure that quality work from Seunta is represented.