Fore Dee Too

Fore Dee Too
Stock Horse Gelding
custom by Airen Chandler [Horsenfeffer Hobbies}
Elfin size - 1:9 scale
Overall dimensions: 9.5" tall x 11" long - nose to tail
Details on all sizes can be found here.
All 1:9 scale models are custom hollow castings with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.
Fore Dee Too is a versatile QH. One could say that he is the answer to everything.
The Pony Horse
Ponying is the practice of leading one horse while riding another. It is used as a method to exercise horses too young to be ridden, a way to provide light work to injured horses or those recovering from illness or surgery. It also is a useful method by which a single individual can condition more than one horse at a time. Horses can also be ponied with riders on both horses, a practice commonly seen at racetracks, where the pony rider assists in controlling the other, usually younger and more fractious horse.
Most ponying is done from a western saddle to give the pony rider more security and to allow the rider to "dally" or wrap the lead rope around the saddle horn if needed to maintain control of the ponied horse. The pony horse must have a calm and steady disposition. Geldings are often preferred mounts due to their more reliable disposition, particularly for ponying stallions.

Fore Dee Too
artisan gallery
Gallery photos are of painted resin models that have been finished by various artists, worldwide.
There may be customizing to some of the models in the gallery.
© All rights to the sculpture of Fore Dee Too reserved by Seunta LLC.