Sweetie 1:9

Sweetie 1:9


Stock Horse Broodmare
by Kitty Cantrell

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Elfin size - 1:9 scale
Overall dimensions: 8" tall, at ear tips x 12" long (nose to tail)
MODEL SIZES: details on all sizes/scales

Hollow cast with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.

Stock horse broodmare, "Sweetie", is full of milk for her newborn foal. Her stance and calm expression probably reflects the exhaustion of giving birth to "Skippy!".

artisan gallery

Gallery photos are of painted resin models that have been finished by various artists, worldwide.

There may be customizing to some of the models in the gallery.

Sweetie [APHA "Sweet N Silk"], is owned by Mary Miller and has served as a broodmare for most of her life. At one time she was sold to someone in Mexico. Later she was reclaimed by her previous owner where she was found in a dry lot, alone, and emaciated. As Sweetie got off of the trailer, Mary's dad asked her owner, "What'll it take to get her off of your bill and onto mine?". The transaction was made, and Sweetie has been in Mary's family ever since.

Sweetie's first foal was Skippy! She gave birth to him on April Fool's Day. Skippy! has had multiple health issues, the worst being the issue with the tooth in his voice box. Sweetie was there for him, and he is truly a mama's boy. Skippy!'s health and spirits were failing -- fast-- as he fought to recover. Mary's dad decided to see if bringing Sweetie to be his next-door neighbor at the vet clinic would help. It did. His spirits bounced back and he healed due to momma's presence.

Sweetie did get Cushings in her advanced age, but has since been on medication that has helped tremendously! She has no visual symptoms of Cushings and is actually in the best health of mind/body she's been in. She is crotchety in her old age, but to be fair, she has to put up with her live-in son!


© All rights to the sculpture of Sweetie reserved by Seunta LLC.