

from $35.00

Morgan Stallion
an original sculpture by Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr

His details include ribbing inside of his ears (and veining on the outside of his tippy ears), wrinkles, whisker bumps, and styling dei capelli dall'italia!

LIMITED EDITION of 30 pieces
Numbered and microchipped with a COA
Approx. 16 pieces are available

All 1:9 scale models are custom hollow castings with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.

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The Morgan Horse
The Morgan horse, one of the earliest horse breeds developed in the United States, traces its origins to a single foundation sire named Figure, later known as Justin Morgan after his owner. Born in Massachusetts in 1789, Justin Morgan was renowned for his versatility, strength, and gentle temperament, traits that became hallmarks of the breed. As Morgan's descendants spread, they played significant roles in various American historical contexts, including serving as cavalry mounts in the Civil War and contributing to the development of other American breeds like the American Quarter Horse and Tennessee Walking Horse. Today, the Morgan horse is celebrated for its all-around abilities, excelling in disciplines ranging from dressage to driving.


© All rights to the sculpture of Legacy reserved by Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr.